谜语题目: Why did the farmer take his chicken to task?(农夫为什么训斥小鸡?) 谜语解析: Because they use foul language. 因为它们说脏话。foul adj.脏的,音似fowl n.家禽 ...
谜语题目: What clothing is always sad?(什么衣服总是伤感的?) 谜语解析: Blue Jeans. 蓝色牛仔服。 blue adj.蓝色的;伤感的 谜语答案: Blue Jeans. 蓝色牛仔服。 blue ad...
谜语题目: What sport do waiters and waitresses excel in?(服务员最擅长什么运动?) 谜语解析: Tennis. They really know how to serve.打网球。因为他们熟谙发球。 谜语解析...
谜语题目: How many legs do horses have?(马有几条腿?) 谜语解析: six legs--forelegs in front and two in back.有六条腿,前面有前腿,后面有两条腿。 forelegs n.前腿,音...
谜语题目: How did the hangman get married?(绞刑吏是怎么结婚的?) 谜语解析: He tied a knot. 他打了一个结。hangman n.绞刑吏,刽子手 tie a knot打一个结;缔结良缘 谜语答...
谜语题目:Mr.wang is a student,but why he cannot live in house? 谜语解析:因为雪人是不能住在屋子里的,不然就融化了 难度:中等 谜语答案:because he is a snowman...
谜语题目: Why did little Tom put his brothers guitar in the refrigerator?(小汤姆为什么把他哥哥的吉他放在冰箱里?) 谜语解析: Because he enjoyed cool music.因为他爱听美...
谜语题目: Which state in the United States is round at both ends and high in the middle?(美国哪个州两头圆,中间高?) 谜语解析: Ohio.俄亥俄州。 Ohio两头是O,中间是hi...
谜语题目:Do you think audience ever steal anything? 谜语解析:Yes,when they take the floor.当他们发言时就会这样做。audience n.听众,观众 难度:中等 谜语答案:Yes,when ...
谜语题目: What will the farmer grow in his garden if he doesnt mind working hard?(假如一个农夫不在乎劳动有多辛苦,他会在园子里种什么?) 谜语解析: He will grow tired....
谜语题目: What did the big chimney say to the little chimney while working?(工作时大烟囱对小烟囱说些什么?) 谜语解析: Youre too young to smoke. 你还年轻,不该抽烟。s...
简单的英语谜语及答案 英语是我们学习的一个外语语种,谜语是中华的浓缩智慧,当他们两个遇到一起会有什么样的化学变化呢?下面是谜语网小编为大家整理的简单的英语谜语及答案,希望大...
谜语题目: Do audience ever steal anything?(听众会偷东西吗?) 谜语解析: Yes,when they take the floor.当他们发言时就会这样做。audience n.听众,观众 谜语答案: Yes,whe...
谜语题目: What tree letters turn a girl into a woman? 谜语解析:DO YOU KNOW What tree letters turn a girl into a woman? Its age 难度:中等 谜语答案:age...
谜语题目: What comes before six?(六前面是什么?) 谜语解析: The milkman. 送牛奶的人。What comes before six? 另一种理解是:什么在六点钟之前来? 谜语答案: The milkman...
谜语题目: Who will be your real friend, a poor friend or a rich one?(贫穷的朋友和富贵的朋友,谁会成为你真正的朋友?) 谜语解析: A poor friend,because a friend in need...
谜语题目: What band cant play music?(什么乐队不会演奏音乐?) 谜语解析: Rubber band.橡皮筋。band n.乐队,吹奏乐队;带子,绳子 rubber band橡皮筋 谜语答案: Rubber band....
谜语题目:When do you go as fast as a racing car? 谜语解析:你什么时候能像车子一样快呢?走路的话肯定是不实际的啦,那就只有你在车子里面咯 难度:中等 谜语答案:When you are...
谜语题目: Why is the inside of everything so mysterious?(为什么说凡事内部都神秘莫测?) 谜语解析: ecause you can never make them out. 因为你永远也不能弄懂它们。make th...
谜语题目: What color is the wind?(风是什么颜色?) 谜语解析: The wind blew风在吹 Blue. 蓝色。 谜语答案: The wind blew风在吹 Blue. 蓝色。...
谜语题目:Tell me what a dozen rubber trees with thirty boughs on each might be? 难度:中等 谜语答案:Months of the year...
谜语题目: Who will be your real friend, a poor friend or a rich one? (贫穷的朋友和富贵的朋友,谁会成为你真正的朋友?) 谜语解析: A poor friend,because a friend in n...
谜语题目: Whats the best way to prevent infection caused by biting insects?(什么办法预防咬人昆虫引起的感染最好?) 谜语解析: biting insects 咬人的昆虫(biting 用来修...
谜语题目:What table is in the field? 谜语解析:说的是哪种table是长在地里的,那么当然是蔬菜啦,蔬菜的英文后面有个table 难度:中等 谜语答案:vegetable...
谜语题目: How does the sun affect weight?(太阳如何影响重量?) 谜语解析: It makes the daylight.(它带来白昼) 谜语答案: It makes the daylight.(它带来白昼)...
谜语题目: Why do people go to bed?(人们为什么睡觉?) 谜语解析: Because the bed wont come to us.因为床不会走向我们。go to bed另一种理解是:走向床,走到床跟前 谜语答案...
What would you say if you saw a ghost(鬼)? 谜语大全及答案 在下一页 1 2...
谜语题目:Which letter is a question? 谜语解析:数字y,就是我why 谜语答案:Y(why)...
谜语题目: What does the man who just had his face shaved resemble?( 刚刚修过胡须的男人像什么?) 谜语解析: A bear. 像熊。resemble v.与相像 bear n.熊,音似bare adj.光秃...
谜语题目: When is a secret like a dress?(什么时候秘密像衣服?) 谜语解析: When its let out.当它泄露以后。 谜语答案: When its let out.当它泄露以后。...