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At the zoo手抄报





  Last Sunday, my sister and I visited the Tianjin Zoo. We had a good time there.

  Early that morning, we got to the zoo. As .soon as we entered the zoo, we .saw a big white house. On the wall of the house, there was a picture of a panda. "This is the Pandas House, ", I said to my sister "Lets go and see the pandas first ". We ran to the Pandas House. It was big and clean. There were three pandas in the house. One of them was much smaller than the other two. Later we were told that the small panda was born just six months ago and was named "Jingjing".

  We watched Jingjing playing with a big ball near his mother. We cried: "Hello, Jingjing."

  We watched Jingjing playing with a big ball near his mother. We cried:" Hello, Jingjing. "Hearing this, Jingjing turned round and reared up, as if was saying:" Wel-corne! Warmly welcome!" Seeing this, rny sister and I were very happy.

  Then we went to see the Monkey-Hill. Most of the visitors, especially the children love the monkeys very much. There were a lot of monkeys on the hill. Some of them were playing, and some were running about. Others were hanging from trees by their tails. A small monkey ran towards us and wanted to get some food from us. My sister threw a banana to him. He caught it and made faces to us. This made the people around us laugh.At the zoo手抄报

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